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~Welcome to the Grotto!~

22/Bi/NB (Genderfluid, Any Pronouns)/Black

Hi, I'm Sidhedust, and welcome to my site, Sidhedust Grotto! I like to share my stories with folks on the internet. As of now, I have a visual novel in the oven, but college has been taking up most of my time.

This is my home base! Check out my blog for my thoughts on misc topics and what's going on behind the scenes. My inspirations tab is for resources on folklore and magic systems, as well as for housing a shrine of stuff I like. The webring is for people making worlduilding hubs for their worlds on neocities and even beyond as supplemental material for their work. This site has an RSS feed if you want to keep up with the latest updates.

Below you can find a few links to my works and where to download them-just click the titles.

~List of Projects~

Tovera Chronicles: The Little Guild on The Hill

An urban fantasy VN set in the equivalent of our 1950's, following a working class changeling woman named Luana Hoapili and the prince of the titular kingdom, Prince Floris. Follow the pair and their journey through magedom, political turmoil, and healing in this visual about the struggles everyone faces and how to survive and thrive in a world breaking at the seams.

Tovera Chronicles: Kamikakushi

A young mage, Maeveren, is finishing his school year with his graduation assignment. Feeling bold, he goes to an ancient ruin, a city known as Santenica, that fell for unknown reasons. His job is to bring back relics and the like and make a presentation on it to help fuel research on ancient Toverian societies. On the first night of his expedition, however, the city comes to life, and despite the warnings of an unknown voice, he waltzes right in, thinking that the city is lost in time and beckoning him to see life in Santenica as it was...unfortunately for him, it ends up being a den for spirits, and to his horror, he is stuck there. Will Maeveren make it back to the mortal world? How will he navigate the world parallel to ours when living with humans is all he has ever known?


Speedpaints of the work I do for my world/characters, and streams that...are usually me drawing for the world and characters too. For speedpaints, the link is to the whole playlist. Speedpaints are long, around 20-30 minutes, so feel free to use it as an extra music player. For streams, it's an embed vid below the playlist, and it'll play whatever stream I'm hosting, or it'll show upcoming ones.

~Misc. Links~

Below you can find links to where you can find me outside of this site. My Tumblr includes zines I'm in, misc thoughts, misc. sketches, and posts from peopleI support. My Ko-fi is just for those who are feeling generous.

My Tumblr

Donate, if you'd like!